The supreme thickness of your card will be sure to make an impression with everyone you meet. With so many combinations available, you have the freedom to design the most personalized business cards ever. One of our most popular Triplex options is to select a colored stock for the middle layer, and a matching stock for the front and back. Our triplex business cards weigh in at a heft 900 gsm ! Add extra sturdy cardstock to make your card durable and feel soft touch.
Printed both sides as standard and sandwiched over a coloured middle layer.
Choose from different coloured middle layers and card sizes.
Front stock : 300 gsm +
Middle stock : 220 gsm
Back stock : 300 gsm +
Printing Process : CMYK, Pantane, Foil, Embossing, Debossing
*Turn around time varies based on job complexity, quantity and size. Please feel free to contact us at or via WhatsApp with any questions you may have.